Nobody Said that Childhood is all Fun and Easy…

Studying ‘overseas’ EVERY SINGLE DAY, became my blessing in disguise~

Shuxin Lim
2 min readJun 7, 2021



It’s a blanket of ignorance and purity into a sense of security.

Good times and bad times. Happy times and sad times. But always, you felt safe and secure for the family behind you.

What nobody ever tells you, though, when you are a wide-eyed child, are all the little things that come along with “growing up.” Sometimes things pull you down from your dreaming cloud to make sure you can walk the walk.

My Journey to Adulthood… To becoming a Singaporean!

Imagine waking up at 3 am every morning just to be at school on time.
Then spending 2–3 hours every day just to cross the borders.
Bearable? Maybe.
Now, imagine doing that every single day. For 12 years. Period
This strenuous journey for school (or work) is certainly not for the faint-hearted.

Many exclaimed… isn’t it tiring?

Sure it was.

But… was it worth it?


How did I?

Imagine being dropped in the middle of a desert, fully equipped with enough food and water to stay alive, but with no sense of direction whatsoever.
You just have no idea where you’re going.

The only way out…
Keep going and hope it works out somehow.

What I got out of this childhood?

Stress is a part of growing up.
Have you heard of the analogy that kids without an umbrella run faster?
It’s because all they have is themselves. They knew that it’s about themselves.
When the situation is bad, the better they are at coping with stress.
Sometimes, it really is not as glorious as it seems.
You don’t know what you don’t know.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.

Find the silver linings for a happier life.
When you see someone that is smiling all the time, don’t be envious of them. These people are likely working very hard to be happy.

I am one of those people.
I have not had an easy life.

I’m not happy all the time.
But I work at finding reasons to be happy.

I count my blessings daily. Then I remember that I have reasons to be happy.

Fast-forward… Today, I became a Singaporean!

It’s no secret that Singapore is synonymous with first-rate quality of life and many times people are envious of its low crime rates, efficient public transportation system and superior infrastructure.

Proud to be a Singaporean going forward, along the mission to turn the little red dot into a bright green spark of the world’s map!



Shuxin Lim

Traveler. Dreamer. Skier. Astronomer. Hopeful for a renewable driven future. Linkedin: